Dog Bites in Keta

RIWA Ghana conducted free vaccinations in the Ketu North District of the Volta Region during World Rabies Day September 28-30, 2018.

On November 13 it was announced that 8 people were bitten by a or possibly more, wild dog on November 11 & 12. 5 victims were children with serious wounds to the head and face and the 8th victim, an elderky man, killed the dog after it bit him.

It was then released that 2 more were bitten the previous week making 10 the total.

Following are pictures of the child victims...

They are disturbing!

A press Release was issued by the Health Director as follows which was quickly halted by Veterinary Services

Health Director orders killing of Keta stray dogs

Source: Ghana| |Abubakar Ibrahim

Date: 14-11-2018 Time: 02:11:31:pm

The Keta Municipal Health Directorate in the Volta Region has directed residents to kill all stray dogs in the community so they do not infect other dogs with rabies.

The warning is a move to curb a possible spread of rabies after the Keta Municipal Hospital recorded five cases of dog bites on Monday and Tuesday. 

A statement by the Municipal Health Director, Perfect Titiati, on Wednesday, said the directive forms part of surveillance requirements to formally notify all stakeholders to be on alert to prevent the burden of rabies in the human population.

“Even though it has not been confirmed that the dog is infected with rabies, the nature of the bites is highly suggestive.

“The victims are all children between the ages of one year to eight years and the bites occurred at the upper part of the body towards the heart and brain,” she said.

Rabies is a disease transmitted to humans from domestic animals like dogs that arecaused by a virus and is spread to people with infected saliva through bites and scratches.

In unvaccinated humans, rabies is almost always fatal if post-exposure prophylaxis is not administered before the onset of severe symptoms. 

The rabies virus infects the central nervous system causing disease in the brain and eventually death.

“Specifically we entreat all stakeholders particularly Health Facility Staff, local media and the Public Health Emergency Committee Members to: Promote public awareness on dog bites and rabies case (i.e a person with headache, neck pain, nausea, fever, fear of water, anxiety, agitation, abnormal sensations or pain at wound site with close contact of infected saliva through bites & scratches),” according a statement by the health directorate.

It further directs that residents should respond promptly and appropriately to cases and outbreaks of dog bites. 

Dog owners have been advised to vaccinate their dogs and cats to prevent outbreaks while the residents have also been urged to identify high-risk areas in the municipality and report to the appropriate authorities.

In Follow up to this the District Assembly has had an emergency meeting to discuss rabies and RIWA Ghana is planning to visit Keta and do a mop up excerise to vaccinate all dogs.